Interpretation of Result and Recommended Threshold

OkayLive - Liveness detection



Probability of liveness Note: Recommended Threshold = 0.5


Linear liveness score: bigger value means more alive,

(Not suggested as a threshold to detect the liveness.)


Quality Value Note: Recommended Threshold = 0.5


Error message from the server

The response of "score" is NOT suggested to be used for the decision-making for detection results.

  • The probability of liveness is the main response of the system.

  • The image is accepted as "live" when a probability is bigger than 0.5.

  • Linear liveness score can be used for BPCER / APCER tuning. The range of score is (ln 1e-7, -ln 1e-7).

  • The quality value is the probability of a "clear image" to indicate the quality of the selfie image.

  • A good quality selfie image, the quality will be bigger than 0.5

  • The probability can be lower than 0.5 for the reasons below.

    • Face minimal side is less than 180 pix or distance between eyes is less than 90 pix.

    • Face out-of-plane rotation is bigger than 20 degrees.

    • The distance between the face and the camera is very small, so the face can be significantly distorted.

    • The luminous power is insufficient.

    • High motion or gaussian blur rate or light shot.

We highly advise analyzing quality value and rejecting inappropriate images.

Last updated