This page contains the Frequently Asked Questions that helps the users to understand more on our products.



How long does it take for 1 full eKYC flow takes?

30 seconds to 1 minutes for only the processing time

Any dependencies on OkayDoc and OkayFace? Do we need to wait OkayFace get success response then only can proceed to OkayDoc?

No, user may proceed to call OkayDoc while waiting for other API to response. Because at the end, it will combine all the result within the same journeyId and cross check with the scorecard to get the status.

Will the submitted data expires?

Yes, it will. The data by default will only be kept for 14 days and it will be purge from our server.

Can the JourneyId be re-use?

Each of the journeyId can only be used on 1 full eKYC process flow. To make sure each of the user is using each of the journeyId

Is it possible to not use all of the Innov8tif eKYC API components?

Yes, it is possible to use just any of the Innov8tif eKYC API components

Any dependencies on each of the Innov8tif eKYC APIs?

No, each of the eKYC APIs can be use individually.

How long is the downtime for cloud servers experienced?

Our committed up time is 99.7%

Maximum load for can be handled by cloud servers?

It's subject to the committed volume by the customer and we have auto-scaling in place to cater the loads.

What information is being retained by cloud servers after processing?

It's only the data such as:

  1. Date and Time

  2. Journey ID

  3. Journey Status

  4. Result checking from OkayDoc (Pass, Fail, Cautious and Score)

Which part of the process is encrypted or is there any encryption during transmission and data?

All the data submission has been encrypted via HTTPS

Will the Journey ID expires?

Yes. Journey ID will only valid for 14 days



How long is the OkayID processing time?

About 2 seconds to 4 seconds depending on the image file size/image resolution

What is the purpose of MRZ checks in passport?

The purpose of MRZ in the passport is to represent each individual's personal details sufficiently. Most travel passports worldwide are standardized by the ICAO Document 9303 (endorsed by the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission as ISO/IEC 7501-1) and have a special machine-readable zone (MRZ). Therefore, by extracting the MRZ region of the name, it is sufficient to identify the individual.

In the OkayID documentation, what is the value we should pass in for "apiKey":"API_KEY" ?

The value for API_Key is a unique License Key that we will provide to you, so just have to replace the "API_KEY" to the license key we provide to you.

In OCR API, while the non-passport send in front and back, does passport only send in front photo?

For non passport, we can choose to send front and back or just front of the ID document. while passport only requires front of the passport.

The Old MyKad and MyKad, "Sex" is having two different field type. What is the difference of this two and which one we should refer to? Eg: wFieldType = 12, FieldType = 71172108. wFieldType = 12, FieldType = 12."

The fieldtype of 71172108 is actually the BM language of the gender, which is "PEREMPUAN" compared to the fieldtype 12 which is the Female in English. The "wFieldType" is the one you should be referring.

What is the format/code of OkayID nationality returning?

"State Code is using ISO_3166-1 (Alpha-3 code ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1 Nationality that being returned will follow the field from ID document."

What is the functionalities of the OkayID API?

OkayID supports OCR extractions, enable document type detections, as well as providing functions such as cropping the selfie image in the ID cards, as well as cropping the ID card.

What are the supported IDs?

There are total of 10 main countries' ID cards that are mainly supported from our side. For other countries, please email to [email protected]

What information can be extracted for each supported IDs?

The most important information that can be extracted are ID number, DoB, Gender, Name, Address, Issue State Code, Place of Birth, Expiry Date, Date of Issues and more. Different ID cards has different kind of extracted information. Please download the PDF to know what information can be extracted (depending on ID types).



How long is the OkayFace processing time?

About 1 seconds to 3 seconds depending on the image file size/image resolution.

What if a user's ID photo is taken more than 10 years ago? Does it require a renewal

The confidence score of the OkayFace will be affected/reduced if the ID card selfie is more than 10 years of the live selfie that is taken by the user.

Can support faces with different age gap? skin color?

Yes, it is able to support different skin color. As for the age gap, it is able to recognize faces within 10 years gap. However, the recognition accuracy will be affected If age is more than 10 years.

What is the minimum face size required?

The minimum resolution required is 450px x 450px.

Does make-up or plastic surgery affect the comparison?

Yes, it will affect the comparison if the person has done plastic surgery, No. it will not impact the comparison if there is any make-up.



How long is the OkayLive processing time?

About 1 seconds to 2 seconds depending on the image file size/image resolution

Is OkayLive interactive or require user to perform certain action during selfie?

No, it is silent based liveness detection. It does not requires any motion from users

What is the benefits of silent based detection compared to motion liveness detection?

The silent based liveness detection requires lesser processing time, lesser processing power (due to using 1 image instead of video frames), and better user experience

What kind of negative images can detect? (Mask, screen, paper and etc)

As long as the image is NOT a live selfie

What is the minimum requirement?

The minimum resolution required is 480px (height) x 450px(width). However, the Recommended height: 720px or 1080px.

Do I need to submit video to this API?

No. This is a silent based liveness detection.

Can this able to detect wearing mask?

No, wearing mask will results in Error.



How long is the OkayDoc processing time?

About 10 seconds to 30 seconds depending on the image file size/image resolution as well as the number of checking enabled.

How many documents can support?

There is no specific number of document can be supported due to we will constantly adding new document type, but the supported documents can be found on the documentation page. https://api.innov8tif.com/okaydoc/okaydoc-overall.

What's the minimum recommended width/height?

The minimum resolution is: 1343 x 847.



In Scorecard response, What is the available value for docType? Eg: "docType": "mykad_new", "docType": "mykad_back".

What is the available value for docType (old IC, Passport)?

Please refer to this page for other supported docType (non passport) https://api.innov8tif.com/okaydoc/non-passport/version-1 , https://api.innov8tif.com/okaydoc/passport/version-3 for passport.

Can we change the scorecard configuration?

Only Innov8tif side is able to make changes to the scorecard configurations. However, it is not recommended to do so because the default scorecard is the best recommendation that we would suggest.

Last updated